
Archive for March 2012

6 years ago I married my husband. How cool is that! It’s hard to believe it’s been 6 years of marriage so far, but then again, it seems as if we’re still newlyweds in comparison to so many that I know. We’ve come a long way so far, but we still have so far to go! It’s kind of a cool place to be. 

A few days ago, 6 years ago, my husband got home from his second deployment in Iraq. We had plans to marry right away, in Vegas, of course. I had no desire to plan a wedding myself as he was deployed, not to mention how expensive it was! I was only 19, and he had just turned 22, no way we could afford a “real” wedding! I found a dress, on sale, for $40.00 and his mom helped pick him out a shirt/tie combo – and we were ready. 

We searched for chapels, after standing in line in Vegas to get our marriage license (which by the way, was an experience in itself!) While standing in the line, some others came already dressed in their attire, and wedding chapels were standing by – limos and all! We decided to “shop around”. We looked through one chapel in particular, that was very tacky. When you think “Vegas wedding”, this is it! White Christmas lights around everywhere, and pictures of Elvis. There was NO way I was getting married there!

We finally found this place, Chapel of the Flowers, and loved it. There ya go, if you’d like to take a peak! And so, there it was. We were married, and our friends and family were able to watch it online. We had a few friends in attendance, most who I met for the first time that weekend, but I was very happy to have him home from Iraq, and finally becoming my husband.


So, there you go! Our wedding. I’m thankful we’ve both changed since then, grown together, and learned how to love one another more than before. Here’s to another 6 years!

A few days ago Kayleigh and I were enjoying a yogurt together as her little brother took his nap. We were sitting at her princess table, and talking about Jesus. I explained to her that one day, she could ask Jesus to live in her heart – just as He lives in mine. She was very interested in this idea. After a few minutes of silence (she was really pondering this idea) she asked me, “Mommy, can Jesus live in my heart, too?” Of course, I told her yes, but she had to ask him. She then immediately asked if we could pray. She prayed (something very close to this…), “Dear Jesus, come live in my heart every day. Jesus died on the cross for the sin, but you didn’t die all the time, just one time. And thank you for brother, and daddy, and yogurt, and my princess table. Amen.” Oh, melt my heart! Do I think she “gets it”? No, not yet. I do think she’s getting closer though. She can tell me what sin is, “the bad stuff we do, when we disobey God”. And she can tell me  how we’re saved, “Jesus died on the cross.”

I’m so thankful for the love that Jesus has for us, for the mercy and grace he extends to us, and for the free gift of eternal life that He has offered to us. It is my deepest desire that my children fall head over heels in love with Jesus, I can’t imagine it any other way. 

And in case you’ve stumbled upon this blog by accident, this is my little sweetheart who just prayed that sweet prayer. She’s my “monster-girl” who I love so very much!

Chris and I will celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary on the 31st of this month, and I wanted to do something creative for him considering we’re having to be very frugal in our spending. I saw an idea for “dates in a jar” so, that’s exactly what I did! I took an old applesauce jar, some glitter glue/glitter, some self-adhesive mini pearls, and some self-adhesive fabrics/tags…and got creative! I also used popsicle sticks, four colors (could use three, but I ran out and needed one more!) I wrote a date on each popsicle stick. If we pull out a red stick, it means the date will require a bit of money, and time to plan. A yellow or orange stick will mean it’s cheap, but we do need to plan for a babysitter. And a green stick means it’s an at-home FREE date! My goal was to get as many “green” dates as possible! I really love it, and I am very excited to have it finished & ready to go! 

Now, why did I give it to him early? My 3 year old had a hand in it. He walked in the door from work and she immediately said, “Daddy, I won’t tell you the surprise.” He was immediately onto me, and snooping everywhere. It was only a matter of time! So, I caved. Oh well, we’ll enjoy the dates sooner than expected.

Now, pictures! Mind you, I’m not very creative, and this is a HUGE accomplishment for me – so be gentle!

It was really easy, and I found everything for .99 or less. I ❤ the clearance aisles!  

Now, for the list of dates! I’ll color-code them here, just as I did  in our jar. I hope you can get some use out of them, as we are planning to do!

Restaurant Hop – Go to a different restaurant for your appetizer, entree, and dessert. 
Rock Climbing
Oliver Winery – wine taste testing!
Double date night, invite friends.
Random Acts of Kindness – plan them out, and then go encourage others together.

Go out for coffee
Check out a local bakery, pick out something you’ve never had before
Arcade date
Mini golf
Go on a hike together
Her/His Choice (these could potentially be free, but I thought it was safe to make them “orange” dates)
Photograph safari – This one is free, but does need to be planned. Basically, you travel around your town with a camera, stop to take pictures of yourselves in front of the buildings/locations that are special to you both as a couple!
Breakfast date – who says you can’t go on a date at 10am?
Rollerblade – Don’t have rollerblades? Hit up the local skate rink!
Highschool sports game
Dessert only date
“Be an artist” – Find a local spot, get two pads of paper and a pencil, and try to sketch what you see.
Ice cream, and take a walk together.
$5.00 thrift store challenge – Go to a local thrift store, each with $5.00, try to see who can buy the most creative, best gift for the other.
Gym date – work up a little sweat with your sweetie
Free museum – call around and find the free days, go enjoy.
Lunch date
Laser tag
Bookstore challenge – Go to a local bookstore, and talk to each other through book titles..rotate finding books with the titles of what you’d like to say.
Frisbee at the park
Paint pottery

Spa night – soak your feet, give massages, enjoy.
“Chopped” – Have a cooking challenge, find ingredients you already have and see who can come up with the best snack idea.
Kinect night – We have a kinect, but if you don’t it could be any kind of video games…come on, ladies, they do things they don’t like sometimes, too! Bond with your man over what HE enjoys.
Watch “300” and see if you can kiss 300 times during the movie
Redbox movie and popcorn
Stove top smores, we have a gas stove, but if you don’t, try using candles.
Chinese take out and slow dancing.
Glass of wine and board games.
1,000 piece puzzle, maybe even frame it when you’re finished.
Mixed cd (ipod, whatever!), get dressed up, and just slow dance.
Youtube comedy, go through youtube and find the funniest clips you can. Laugh together.
Newlywed game, head over to to find this! You can print it out and play (and while you’re there, find MORE date ideas)
Blackout – no phones, no lights, no tv. Just each other.
Game night
Picnic at home, spread out that blanket and enjoy.  

So, there you have it! I hope you can use some of those date ideas, and I can’t wait to try out each of them! I’m thankful to be married to an amazing man, I’m incredibly blessed.  

Oh, blogging. We meet again. I’m not sure what the appeal is of this, I enjoy writing, but I never seem to be able to stick with it. Yes, I did have a blog before this, and true to my character, I can’t find my password information or seem to successfully recover it – so, here I am.
What am I hoping to gain from this? I suppose that’s a fair question, I’d assume that everyone who blogs has a purpose for it. Perhaps setting that goal will help me be more consistent with my blog. So, let’s see..
1. Glorify Jesus. I say this, knowing I will often stumble. So, I’ll say this, if there is any “good” in anything I post, please know that it is Him and not me. Trust me on that.
2. Share! Recipes, craft ideas, pictures, memories. Most blogs I see come complete with gorgeous pictures of each and every idea, I’ll do my best, but chances are I will have forgotten to charge our camera and so you’ll either get no picture or a blurry cell phone picture – my apologies in advance!
3. Simplify life. Now, how am I going to simplify everything by adding something else to the mix? Fair question. I’ve been convicted (heavily) this past year to simplify my life. Be content with what I have, and to be content with even less. To “live intentionally” is a good way to put it. Perhaps I can use this to direct my thoughts, to share my ideas, and to have an outlet to SCREAM if needed (in all caps, of course.)
So, there ya go. If you follow along, I hope you enjoy the journey. Hope you all have a great day.

My love.

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